September 22, 2020
Arctic ice shrinks to 2nd lowest level on record

US scientists say the world is heading towards a "seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean." Germany's research ship Polarstern is on its way home after even reaching the North Pole through open water patches.

August 20, 2020
“Polarstern” erreicht fast eisfreien Nordpol

"Die Freude darüber hält sich bei den Forschern in Grenzen - denn die höhere Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes hat direkt mit dem Zustand des Meereises zu tun."

August 19, 2020
Scientists on Arctic mission reach the North Pole after an unplanned detour

“'We made fast progress in a few days,' Rex told The Associated Press. 'It’s breathtaking — at times we had open water as far as the eye could see.'”

August 8, 2020
على جليد رقيق

لا نعلم سوى القليل فقط عن المنطقة المحيطة بالقطب الشمالي خلال فترة الشتاء رغم أن المنطقة تلعب دوراً مهماً في مناخنا. فهي تشهد تغيرات منذ عقود كانحسار الثلوج. فما السبب؟ مجموعة من الباحثين يحاولون تقفي آثار تلك الظاهرة.

August 8, 2020
On thin ice: The Arctic and earth’s climate

The Arctic plays an important role in the earth’s climate, but our knowledge about the winter there is limited.

July 28, 2020
Történelmi mélyponton a tengerjég nyári kiterjedése

A műholdas mérések 1979-es kezdete óta idén júliusban volt a legkisebb az északi sarkvidéken a tengerjég nyári kiterjedése.